The Barron Park beautification committee is planning our
The Workshop/Faire held last spring was a HUGE success, with local architects, nurserymen, and other tradesmen available with helpful advice. The "drive by" or "walk-by" afterward included many of Barron Park's beautiful gardens and landscaping.
Date: April 19, 1997
Time: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location and more details will appear in the Spring newsletter.
If you are a professional who would like to give a presentation, or a resident who would like to show off your garden, please call Shirley Finfrock at 493-8054. Also, please call Erna if you are interested in joining our Beautification Committee! 493-5596.
It's that time of year again when all the leaves fall, then clog the gutters, and fill our yards with brown sludge. Each weekend I see busy Barron Parkers out with their rakes! And I've recently noticed some lovely sideyards full of fall blooms such as cosmos and tall marigolds. Looking good, Barron Park!
Happy Holidays and happy gardening!!