Dear Editor:
We, who are privileged to live in Barron Park, must be ever mindful that we have amongst us elderly seniors who are dependent on the downtown Food Closet. The small subsidy they receive from Social Security does not cover them from one pay check to the next, and a few bags of food helps them have enough to eat.

Is there a concerted group way we could support the Urban Ministry?

Another issue hopefully we could address as a group, is the fact that our young children have to be bussed out of the area. Many grandparents and parents who have paid taxes conscientiously over the years, have to have their children and grandchildren put on a waiting list to attend our local schools.

-- Lilly Howland, Kendall Avenue

From the Editor --

BPA Needs Your Input: Stay Informed On Issues

Your input and concerns are most effective at the start of new BPA projects, when policies and decisions are being formed.

  1. Join the BPA to receive all issues of our quarterly newsletters with updates on neighborhood issues and projects.
  2. Join a BPA committee on issues that interest you.
  3. Check the kiosk in Bol Park where copies of newsletters are posted.
  4. Check the BPA newsletters on-line at
  5. Contact committee chairs with your concerns on neighborhood issues and projects, or call Will Beckett, President, at 494-6922.

-- Nancy J. Hamilton, Editor