Mickey's Joined The BPA!!

We have reported in earlier issues of this newsletter that Josina Bol passed away and that the Barron Park Association became Mickey's official guardian.

Mickey is becoming famous! He has his own Hee-Haw-Hoome Page on the Web at: http://www.bpaonline.org/mickey, has had several newspaper articles written about him, including one in the Chronicle, a recent Art Exhibit by Edith Smith centered largely on Mickey, and he will soon star in a film on Channel 6 early in '97. -- Photo below shows Mickey being fed by Leland Smith.

Unfortunately, several nasty phone calls have been received by Mickey¹s feeders, complaining about his care and condition. Actually, he gets fabulous professional care from his farrier, who trims and cleans his hooves at least every 6 weeks and from his veterinarian, who visits 6-10 times a year, in addition to when Mickey gets ill from eating treats which well-meaning, but ill-informed friends feed him.

Mickey has a supply of clean fresh water in the back of his pasture, and is fed by his official feeders (Edith & Inge) alfalfa and bran, as well as medications when instructed to do so by Mickey's vet. The Humane Society also keeps a "watching brief" on Mickey.

Carrots Only Please!! Please, please don't feed Mickey anything. If you absolutely have to, please, one carrot per family per week! Sweets, celery, apples, etc. are definitely NO-NOs!!. These and other human (or horse) treats make him ill. Edith and Inge, his feeders, have known and loved Mickey all of his life (29 years) and wish him many more healthful years. (update by Editor, 2/7/97 -- the Vet says no treats!)

Please phone Inge (415) 493-8146 if you'd like more information or have questions. Email.

If anyone wants to help Mickey, please volunteer for one of the Sunday work parties (advertised on the web and on the kiosk). We mend fences and do other necessary jobs for the upkeep of the pasture and other requirements for Mickey's well being. Or, if you have no time, please donate money to help cover the cost of his food and medical expenses -- we will probably need up to $2,000 per year, every year. Any ideas for fund raising?

Tax deductible
may be made out to the:
BPA Foundation -- Mickey's Fund
and mailed to:
Mickey's Fund
701 Kendall Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
-- Many thanks to all of you who've contributed!