By Maryanne Welton
ZALU --(Zoning & Land Use)
By Maryanne Welton, Committee Chair
by Doug Graham, Barron Park Historian
by Doug Graham, Barron Park Historian
by G. Reynolds
by Don Anderson
By Mary Jane Leon, Committee Chair
by Doug Moran, BPA President email
There are two major issues affecting Barron Park that are likely to have critical decisions being made in the coming months: Alma Plaza (Albertson's grocery store) and the Arastradero-Charleston Corridor Traffic Study. A third issue, the El Camino Real/Caltrans Design Study, may or may not see any action it has been in the City Council's queue since April and still has no firm date for a hearing. As in earlier instances of this column, I will attempt to explain what I see as the critical questions and some background on various positions. The BPA does not have an official position on much of this. One of the frustrating aspects of debates on these issues is that they have gone on for so long that people can forget how they arrived at their positions: The "code phrases" and "sound bites" have taken on independent existences. This makes it difficult to determine if their concerns are still relevant, and whether there are alternate ways to address them. However, challenging such people to reconstruct their chains of reasoning too often has the opposite effect of hardening their position. An approach that can be successful is to present options that would ameliorate their concerns and let a mediator or moderator push them to address your proposals and thus indirectly their position. A second major frustration in these debates is the participants who refuse to appreciate that although their examples and experiences have useful similarities to the situation under discussion, that there are also substantial differences. For example, during one of the forums for City Council candidates, a candidate who is a strong advocate for high-density housing in transit corridors (bus and train) was asked about lessons learned in areas comparable to Palo Alto. Her response cited downtown San Jose and Oakland!
Another example occurred during the discussion of the redesign of El Camino and involved the possibility of reducing the number of lanes in two carefully selected segments. The criteria for where this would and would not work were detailed, and the lane reductions in Menlo Park were shown to violate several of the key criteria. Nonetheless, people persisted in citing Menlo Park as an example of why this very different situation would not work. One participant a well-known activist directly proclaimed that there was nothing that could be said to or shown to her that would change her mind.
The only effective antidote to such people is having enough reasonable people present to demonstrate that those people are not representative of the citizenry. One of the problems of the Palo Alto Process is that it is so drawn out that it wears down the reasonable people. If they don't drift away, they often come to use "code phrases" thereby becoming hard to distinguish from dogmatic advocates. But enough philosophizing on to the issues.
As these issues move forward, we will attempt to keep you informed of
meeting and developments via email to the bpa-news list. My
expectation is that the details of both of these projects will be
controversial enough among residents that the BPA Board will not take
a position on a specific proposal. However, the Board may take
positions of reiterating support for some of the general goals and
priorities of these projects.
I encourage you to participate and to be prepared to deal with people who have become set in their positions. I hope that my earlier comments are helpful to you in understanding and working with such situations.
by Maryanne Welton email
The BPA has sponsored an annual Neighborhood Meeting each spring for the last several years. The goal of these meetings is to provide an opportunity for members of our community to hear about updates on BPA activities, city programs or projects that impact Barron Park and to solicit input on issues that are a concern to the neighborhood. These informal gatherings typically involve presentations by BPA board members and City staff about a wide variety of subjects. A question and answer period provides the opportunity for participants to get more information or bring up issues for discussion. The meetings are typically well attended and representatives from the City Council and staff are often present. The BPA board records the topics discussed and uses that input to help guide our efforts during the year.
While the topics vary from year to year, the issues that most brought up involve traffic and development. Thanks are sometimes expressed for different projects around the neighborhood, such as the renovation of Bol Park. We have found these meetings to be useful to inform the board and City on issues of concern for our neighborhood.
The Annual Neighborhood Meeting is a great opportunity for members of our community to hear what is going on in Barron Park. It's also a good way to meet your neighbors.
Watch the next newsletter and BPA email list for information about this spring's Annual Meeting. If you are interested in helping at the meeting or have specific topics you would like to be a part of the agenda, feel free to contact me.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: At the time we put this on-line, we have decided to include a music jam and sing-a-long. Mtg. date: Sunday, March 21st. Place: Barron Elementary School. Time: 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Hopefully the meeting will be well attended.]
ZALU -- (Zoning & Land Use)
by Maryanne Welton, Committee Chair
ZALU The slowdown in development along El Camino continues. Here's an update:
4131 El Camino
A three-story, mixed-used project on the Island is nearing
completion. It contains two levels of underground parking, ground
floor retail and office space, and residential units above. The owner
reports that a coffee shop, sandwich shop and cabinetmaker are
planning to move into the ground floor. Construction should be
complete in the spring.
Old Blockbuster Site
A revised plan for a nine-unit condominium project had been submitted
last year for the former Blockbuster site at the corner of El Camino
and Vista Way. Neighbors have voiced concerns about auto access and
adequate parking for the project so that on-street parking is not
unduly impacted along Vista. The City has not yet received a final
application; we will continue to monitor the parking and access
Albertson's at Alma Plaza
After the Planning Commission approved the proposed redevelopment of
Alma Plaza last fall to include a new and expanded grocery store,
additional retail spaces and housing, this project was part of the
moratorium for all new development along the Charleston corridor (see
President's column).
Ricky's Hyatt (at El Camino and Charleston)
This project was also included in the moratorium for all new
development along the Charleston corridor.
Check this column in each newsletter for project updates or contact me if you have any questions on development in our neighborhood at 493-3035 or email.
by Doug Graham, Barron Park Historian email
Striking Into the Unknown
Two days travel west of Fort Hall was the Raft River, a tributary of
the Snake. Here it was that Stephens and the "Californians" took
leave of their Oregon-bound friends and struck off into the unknown.
Their knowledge of the route was based on accounts previously related
by other trappers to their guide, Greenwood, and was brief in the
extreme: Leave the Oregon Trail at Raft River. Go southwest for a
number of days (or weeks?) until you hit Mary's River. Follow the
river until it gives out in a desert sink. Head west from there and
you will find California. Armed with this and their blessed ignorance
of the desert and, above all, of the Sierra Nevada, these intrepid
people said their farewells and set out to break 1,000 miles of trail
through an unmapped wilderness. Has there ever been a bolder move
made by a group of ordinary Americans?
Notwithstanding their ignorance, they found the way relatively efficiently and reached Mary's River within several weeks. The 400-mile trip down the river (the Humboldt River of northern Nevada, which I-80 now follows) was so uneventful that only one memoir even mentions it, covering it in two sentences: "The journey down the Humboldt was very monotonous. Each day's events were substantially a repetition of those of the day before." Dates started to become critical as the year's calendar was running out. They had left Fort Hall about September 1 and reached the Sink of the Humboldt about October 8. These dates are inexact because none of the emigrants kept a diary or journal or wrote a contemporary letter. Sarah would not have been able to keep a journal, because she had had no formal schooling and could neither read nor write at the time. There was a journal of the trip that was being written by Dr. Townsend (Sarah's former employer) and his stepson Moses Shallenberger, at Stephens' request. It was intended to be material for a book, but was forever lost near the end of the journey. The dates given here have been worked out logically by modern historians, balancing each memoir against others. They were all written many years after the journey, and in general, people are not good at remembering dates, so these memoirs are each inaccurate in one respect or another.
In any case, they reached the sink in early October. They stayed there about a week, resting their cattle, washing clothes and repairing equipment (a near-endless task) while the leaders scouted and planned what to do next. Fortunately, a local Paiute Indian, with whom they communicated through sign language and gestures, told them of an eastward-flowing river nearby. He told them they could follow it up into high mountains, which they would have to cross to reach California. They named him "Truckee," which was a word he used frequently (meaning roughly, in Paiute, "OK"). They took him along as a hostage and verified his story that the river existed, forty miles across a barren desert. They named it Truckee's River and organized a two-day long dry drive. Every person and all the cattle were successful in reaching the river, where again they halted for several days to recover. It was mid-October and they received a blunt warning of the rapidly approaching winter, in the form of the first snowfall. Now began the hardest part of their journey.
They Start Up the Truckee
They started up the river, along the route of modern I-80, on October
21, during a snowstorm. It was probably a good thing that they didn't
know that this was the beginning of five straight weeks of
unrelenting bad weather in the Sierra. They spent four of those weeks
struggling up the canyon of the Truckee, crossing the river
repeatedly when the bank they were following became precipitous as
the river twisted and turned, swinging from side to side in its
canyon. It snowed nearly every day, heavily at times, burying the
grass, and the cattle began to starve. Their hooves became soft and
sore from walking in the river for hours on end, and they had to be
led by hand or they would not enter the water. The men fed the cattle
the only fodder available, bullrushes, which made some of them sick.
Most critical of all their problems was the fact that they really did not know where they were going or what lay ahead of them. The open valley at Truckee Meadows (now Reno, Nevada) gave them a brief respite, but the upper canyon above Reno was much worse than the one below. By this time, food supplies were growing short and they knew they had to push ahead as fast as possible or end up starving.
The First Split
Sometime around November 20, they broke out into the relatively open
country around the modern town of Truckee. Here, at nearly 6,000 feet
elevation, the snow was already a foot or more deep on the flats.
They looked at the forbidding main Sierra crest that lay ten miles
ahead and several thousand feet above them. Here occurred the first
split in the party since they had left the Oregon Trail. A group of
six two men, two women and two boys went ahead on
horseback with a small amount of food and a couple of extra horses.
Doctor's Townsend's wife was one of them. We can only speculate that
they were sent ahead to reach Sutter's Fort rapidly and organize a
relief party. We cannot know for certain where they went, because
there are two entirely different and conflicting stories, but they
may have been the first non-Indians to reach Lake Tahoe.
The Second Split
The main body moved a few miles west and stopped at the lake that
nestles under the rugged granite cliffs that lead up to an obvious
pass through the summit ridge of the Sierra. At the lake
later named Donner Lake they made their final preparations for
the assault on the pass. Six wagons were left there, and they planned
to "double-team" the oxen to get the remaining five over the
mountains. Two men, Allen Montgomery (Sarah's gunsmith husband) and
Joseph Foster, and a boy, Mrs.Townsend's son Moses Shallenberger,
volunteered to stay with the wagons through the winter and support
themselves by hunting. Thus, the party split again.
The Assault on Donner Pass
On or about November 24, the main body moved their five wagons all
the way to the top of the 7,200 foot pass in one hard day of furious
labor. They started by carrying all their food, gear and the children
about three miles over the snow and ice-slicked rocks to the top of
the pass. Returning to the wagons, they double-teamed them all the
way. They could get over a 10-foot vertical rock ledge only through a
combination of oxen and brute man-power. The oxen were led one at a
time through a narrow crevice in the ledge, then re-yoked to pull
from above. Below, the men pushed and lifted the wheels over
protruding rocks. Amazingly, by the end of the day, everyone and
everything had been pushed, pulled and carried to the summit.
This pass, which they discovered and pioneered, later became the main route for the subsequent wagon emigrations. It was the route of the first road built across the Sierra, the first railroad and finally of modern I-80. However, it did not get named for Stephens. It is now known by the name of a much less competent group who followed in their tracks two years later and met complete disaster during an even worse winter the Donner Party. The subsequent notoriety of the Donners has completely obscured the steadfast courage, tenacity and organized competence of the Stephens Party.
The Third Split
At this time, on November 24, there was still only a foot or two of
snow in the pass. The emigrants believed that the worst was behind
them now and that they would be in California in a few days, not
realizing that 70 miles of rugged mountains, canyons and foothills
still lay ahead of them. On November 27, about three days rough
travel west from the pass, at the big bend of the Yuba, they stopped
to camp. One of the women's birth-time had come, and they waited
while she had her baby. Then a big storm hit on the 28th, and they
were snowed in. After about a week of more snowstorms, they began to
understand that there was no possibility of the wagons going forward
until spring or a major thaw came. The men then butchered the cattle
and left most of the meat at the camp for the women and children.
Also leaving two men with them, the other seventeen men began a
desperate trek to the Sacramento Valley. They arrived at Sutter's
Fort (modern Sacramento) about December 13, three days after the
mounted party had finally reached there.
The Fourth Split
Back at the lake, the three wagon-guards had built themselves a small
log cabin (which was used two years later by one of the families in
the Donner Party). And then, on the 28th, it began to snow again
three feet in the night. And it kept on snowing. After a
couple of weeks of this, the men realized that they would not be able
to survive by hunting the game had all gone to lower
elevations and that the only thing to do was to try to get
across the mountains on their makeshift snowshoes. They made it to
the pass, but Moses Shallenberger, who was only 14, was exhausted,
crippled by muscle cramps and could go no further. He urged
Montgomery and Foster to go on without him, saying he'd go back to
the cabin and get by somehow. With deep misgivings, they left him
huddled in the snow and made their way west. The two men stumbled
into the camp at the big bend of the Yuba River about December 9.
Sarah must have been glad to see her husband Allen safe, but probably
grieved for Moses, whom most people assumed was dead. After a couple
of days at the camp, the two men went on to Sutter's Fort, reaching
there some time in late December.
The Micheltorena War
But when they got there, they found none of the men from the Stevens
Party. California was undergoing a "revolution" against an unpopular
Mexican Governor, Micheltorena. The men from the mounted party and
main body of the Stevens Party had arrived at Sutter's just when
"General" John A. Sutter, loyal to the governor, was enlisting an
army to fight the rebels. He knew a god-send when he saw one, and he
immediately drafted the twenty-one American riflemen into his unit.
They started south for San Luis Obispo, where the governor was
thought to be gathering forces to attack the rebels in Los Angeles.
Sutter held out the hope that they would be back soon and that he
would then help mount a relief party to rescue the women and
children. However, the "war" proceeded slowly, and eventually
sputtered out with a compromise allowing the Governor to return to
power. Disgusted, the Stevens Party men were released from the army
(or deserted) early in February, and some of them raced back to
Sutter's Fort to organize a relief party.
The Fifth Split, and the First Relief
At the women's camp, the winter dragged on, seemingly interminable,
and no relief party showed up. The women must have been despairing
for the lives of their husbands and brothers, for they knew nothing
of the Micheltorena War diversion. They must have feared that their
men had become lost and died in the snow. In later years, neither
Sarah nor anyone else chose to write about the conditions in that
camp, but it must have been truly cold, wet, miserable and squalid.
The beef supplies ran low, the other food was gone, and at least one
family was reduced to boiling rawhide for what nourishment it
provided. Finally, on February 20, James Miller and his son left the
camp to find Sutter's and organize a relief. One man, old Mr. Martin,
remained with the women and children. This was the fifth split.
On the way to Sutter's, the Millers met Dennis Martin with a few mule-loads of supplies, heading for the women's camp. Martin had not waited for a larger effort to be organized, but had come on alone, worried about his father. Exchanging greetings and information, the Millers and Martin parted and continued on their separate ways. About February 24, Martin reached the Yuba Camp.
You will remember that Montgomery and Foster had arrived at Sutter's in December. So it had been known, ever since then, that Moses Shallenberger had been left at the pass to find his own way back to the lake cabin. Before Dennis Martin started on his relief effort, Moses' mother, Mrs.Townsend, who had been in the mounted party, made Martin promise that he would not stop at the Yuba Camp, but would go on to the lake and help Moses if he was still living.
So, after briefly resting, Martin pushed on alone on snowshoes to the pass and down to the lake. Incredibly, as he neared the cabin, he met Moses. This was about February 26. Shallenberger had quite a story to tell. Left in the snow of the pass, exhausted and crippled by muscle cramps, he had still managed to hobble back down to the lake cabin before nightfall. The next day, he was contemplating the grim prospects before him when his gaze fell on some traps left in the cabin by one of the emigrants. He thought of foxes. Within a few days he had laid out a trap line and had begun taking foxes regularly, along with an occasional coyote. The foxes he ate all winter, but the coyotes proved as inedible as the crow he shot. He read books left behind by Dr. Townsend, and managed to stay sane and reasonably healthy.
The Second Relief
While Martin was going to the lake, the second relief, a larger
enterprise, had reached the Yuba Camp and gotten the women and
children on the trail towards Sutter's. At the lake, Martin made
Moses a better pair of snowshoes, and together they were able to
cross the pass and reach the women's camp in two day's travel over
the now hardened snowpack. The camp was now on the move, and they
found it considerably farther west and lower in elevation than
before. The next day's travel brought them below the snow line, and
two more brought them safely to Sutter's Fort, on March 1, 1845. They
marveled at the lush green grass and spring wildflowers in the
Sacramento Valley. One can imagine the reunions and story sharing
that transpired when they arrived at the fort. One also might like to
be a time-traveling fly-on-the-wall and listen to Sarah quizzing
Allen as to what on earth he did between late December, when he
reached Sutter's, and March 1, when she finally got there.
The total elapsed trip-time for the women and children from their former homes in Missouri to Sutter's Fort was almost twelve months, and the wagons in the Sierra were not retrieved until the snow had melted in July, 1845. By then, the ones at the lake had been stripped of all articles except the firearms, which the Indians evidently feared.
Sarah's Life in the Foothills
In that spring of 1845, with the Micheltorena war over, the emigrants
scattered to look for work or land to settle on. Most of them went to
the San Francisco Bay Area. Captain Stephens settled in the area now
occupied by modern Cupertino, where "Stevens" Creek is named for him.
The Montgomerys, however, stayed in the Sierra foothill region. Allen
Montgomery took employment with Sutter to cut lumber for him, on the
South Fork of the American River. The location was probably near the
site of the sawmill that John Marshall built for Sutter in 1847
the mill at which gold was discovered in January, 1848. At
least one source, written much later in the 19th century, says that
the Montgomerys "owned the land" upon which the gold discovery was
made. This is probably a mistake certainly Sutter would not
have built his mill on someone else's land. In any case, they lived
on the South Fork in a small cabin. During the winter and spring of
1846, Sarah occasionally made trips to Sutter's Fort on her own
a distance of more than 50 miles on the rough trails of those
days. This was certainly a two-day and more likely a three-day ride
in each direction. Evidently, however, there were a few other
families living near their lonely cabin, as it was recorded that, in
January 1846, Sarah hosted a quilting bee, quite probably the first
in California history. Sutter let most of his American employees at
the fort attend the bee, which was definitely "the social event of
the season."
The Bear Flag Rebellion and
This quiet domestic interlude came to an end in June, 1846 when the
American-led "Bear Flag Rebellion" broke out. This was followed in
July by a U.S. naval force arriving at Monterey and Yerba Buena (San
Francisco) to seize California for the United States. The famous
"Pathfinder," Captain John C. Fremont of the U.S. Army had been in
Northern California with his exploring party since the preceding
autumn, antagonizing the Mexican authorities. He first backed the
Bear Flag farce, then persuaded the Navy to appoint him Governor of
the conquered province. Commodore Sloat approved of Fremont's
enlistment of Americans in his self-styled "California Battalion." In
the autumn Fremont was ordered to Southern California to put down a
rebellion which had broken out against American rule.
Montgomery Joins the California Battalion
Allen Montgomery joined Fremont's rag-tag bunch and went with them to
Los Angeles, where the battalion was described by another American as
a "motley array of drunkards in the ciudad of wine and aguardiente."
This was the second time that Allen had left Sarah to fend for
herself. She spent the autumn and winter at Sutter's Fort. Making
good use of this time away from Allen, Sarah learned to read and
write by watching and listening while another woman taught a
five-year-old girl.
Allen Abandons Sarah
After the rebellion was quelled and Montgomery returned to northern
California, he and Sarah moved to San Francisco, where Sarah added to
the family income by taking in boarders. Six months later, Montgomery
abandoned Sarah. Allen took ship on the Julia to Honolulu, apparently
in search of more profitable employment. However, he never wrote to
Sarah, and for a long time it was believed that the Julia had been
lost at sea. This was, effectively, the third time that he abandoned
Sarah, and it was the last. Dorothy Regnery has written that, "As a
respectable "widow" Sarah pursued almost every acceptable means of
livelihood: (she) fed boarders, rented rooms, took in washing and did
sewing." Fortunately for the 22-year-old Sarah, San Francisco was
growing rapidly and there was a steady demand for her services.
The Gold Rush Begins
In January, 1848, John Marshall discovered gold dust and nuggets in
the mill race of the sawmill that he was building for Sutter. At
first, Sutter tried to keep the discovery a secret. But the news was
out in San Francisco by April, and in Hawaii and the West Coast
Mexican ports a few weeks later. More than half the able-bodied men
in California dropped what they had been doing and took off that
spring for "the mines," as the Sierra foothill region placer deposits
became known. In Honolulu, the news brought Allen Montgomery flying
back to California on an early ship, but he by-passed San Francisco
and avoided meeting Sarah. The fact of his return was not generally
known until years later.
The Story Continues...
I will continue with Sarah's story in future issues of this
newsletter, including her second marriage to a man who was running
away from his past in the East and her abandonment by him. This was
followed by her third (and lasting) marriage to Joseph S. Wallis, the
building of her beautiful mansion in the future Barron Park, and her
leadership of the woman suffrage movement on the West Coast.
You may be interested that there are several city employees who live in Barron Park. Many of you met Kate Rooney, who lives on Ilima Court and works in the Community Services Department, during the renovation of Bol Park. Here's an introduction to several others: Nick Marinaro, Deputy Chief with the Fire Department, has 30 years of professional experience in the job. He started in the fire service at Stanford as a student, and has worked for the City for 27 years. He's been a Barron Park resident since June 1994 (nine years+), and has two sons both currently living at home on Matadero. The oldest just graduated from college and the youngest is halfway through college. You may have seen Nick walking the neighborhood with his black terrier/poodle mix canine named Kingsford (aka son #3).
Dave Matson, who lives on Campana, has worked for the City of Palo Alto since 1984. He has lived in Barron Park with his wife and son since 1989. After working in Palo Alto's Public Works Engineering Division for 12 years, Dave assumed full-time management of the city's Geographic Information System (GIS). The GIS is a computer resource which accurately maps the location of the city's infrastructure (things like parcels, pipes valves and manholes) and links these features to information about them, such as size, material, installation date, voltage, and countless other pieces of information.
Kate Rooney grew up on Ilima Court and remembers when Bol Park was still a donkey pasture and the train still ran there. She babysat the Arutunian kids and had a tree fort in the oaks above the creek. Ken Arutunian designed the original Bol Park. It was a real pleasure for her to renovate Bol Park and meet the great people in the neighborhood again. Now, she and her son, Kieran (4 1/2) live with her dad on Ilima Court, with their black lab, Major Commotion. As Project Manager in Capital Improvement Program, she works with the Parks and Open Space team to renovate Community Service facilities. She's been with the City 10 years. If you see her walking the dog, please say hi.
Joe Saccio, Deputy Director of Administrative Services, lives on San Jude. Joe arrived in California in 1983, and has lived in Barron Park since 1992. He started working for the City in 1992; before that he worked in the Finance Department at Stanford University Hospital. Joe and his wife Kathleen have a dog (Walden) and a cat (Henry); his daughter Eva attended Palo Alto H.S. and now attends Brown University. Joe is responsible for management of the City's Revenue Collections, Treasury (cash management), and Warehouse operations. He also oversees the City's investment portfolio, debt, revenue analysis and projections (the Long Range Financial Plan), utility risk management, and a variety of other projects.
Heather Shupe, Administrator Planning and Community Environment, has lived in Barron Park since 1987. Her husband Steve was raised here. They now live in the home Steve's grandfather built in 1949 on Cereza Drive. Heather and Steve have pictures of grandparents Ken and Vi working on the foundation Ken was a contractor and built many homes in the Palo Alto area with his brother Les Shupe. Though their first Palo Alto house was on High Street, Steve's mother Mary grew up in Barron Park, as did both Steve and his brother. Heather and Steve's sons Ryan & Kenny have attended the same schools as their dad, though a few school names have changed over the years.
Sharon Winslow Erickson, City Auditor, lives in the house she grew up in on Laguna Way with her husband Leif and five chickens (sons Will and Peter having flown the coop). Her parents, Don and Lorraine, bought the house in 1958. Sharon is an active member of the Barron Park vegetable gardeners group. She was appointed City Auditor in Palo Alto in July 2001, after having worked in the San Jose City Auditor's Office for more than a decade. As City Auditor, she is responsible for reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations, and contracts for the city's annual external financial audit. You may have seen reports of her audits of the City's development review process and overtime use in the local newspapers recently.
Randy Baldschun, Assistant Director of Utilities, recently retired from the City after 33 years. As Assistant Director of Utilities, Randy was responsible for the Utilities Customer Service Center, field service operations, meter reading, credit and collection, energy and water efficiency programs, and utility ratemaking. He has lived in Barron Park since 1986. He lived on Paul Avenue until 1998 when he moved to Cereza Drive with his wife Laura and two children Taylor and Jack. The boys attend Juana Briones Elementary and Laura is active with the PTA. Randy enjoys making custom cabinetry and furniture. Randy and his family plan to move to Portland, Oregon this spring.
By G. Reynolds
A Well-Kept Secret
How Juana Briones School delights
parents, to the surprise of anyone but other Briones parents.
When my daughter entered Kindergarten at Briones in 1999, I had my
doubts, frankly. I had graduated from the school myself in 1972 and
it hadn't changed physically in any way except that some of the more
lethal play equipment had been replaced with modern, plastic
structures. The desks, the linoleum tiles, even the exterior paint
was exactly as I'd remembered it (a color scheme that didn't improve
with age).
I'd seen other campuses in Palo Alto and they were far prettier than Briones. They had vast lawns, well-tended gardens, and they didn't sit at the intersection of four streets. You could actually drive past these schools, not into them.
But a school is, of course, more than its chalkboards and fluorescent lights, so I decided to look further to try to find the essence of Briones. I didn't know anyone whose children attended the school, nor did I know any of the teachers. And so, as the year began, all I knew was that I was sending my daughter to a school whose only clear benefit was that it was within walking distance from our house. I had to ask myself if it was worth it. I knew of several families in my immediate vicinity who sent their kids to Hoover. What did they know? And what about the families who did go to Briones? Why did they go there, and why did they stay?
Once school started, I began, gradually, to understand. I met some parents who were fervent in their support of the school. They volunteered in the classrooms, raised money, spent untold hours decorating, cooking, recruiting, and selling, and they worked to providing funding for classroom aides and essential programs, like art and PE. I found out later that Briones parents are active in the district as well. The co-president of PAFE, president of the Palo Alto PTA Council, a PAUSD school board member, co-chair of the new ASF are all Briones parents. I was impressed by the dedication to education that far exceeded the coffee klatches I'd foolishly expected.
I got to know staff members, too, and discovered how well they knew the kids and how they, too, were instrumental in their success and safety. I'll forever be grateful to Jack, the school's custodian of more than 20 years, who kept a watchful eye on my daughter who was terrified of the dogs that occasionally wandered onto campus.
Above all, I got to see what happens in the classroom and on the campus, and it was a revelation. Our Kindergarten teacher (and, incidentally, every teacher since), was a veteran who had a remarkable rapport with the kids, while carrying out the serious business of teaching them language, reading, mathematics, science, social studies, visual and performing arts. I don't know what I was expecting, but graham crackers come to mind. And naptime.
I don't recall exactly when it happened perhaps a few weeks into the year but I finally discovered what other Briones parents knew: my child was in great hands.
While any Palo Alto school would provide my daughter a rich curriculum and skilled teachers, there's something about Briones that captivates me in ways I can't explain. I just love the place. Maybe it's the students' diversity: Briones has kids from around the world who speak at least a dozen languages. We have economic diversity, too, and physically and mentally challenged kids who enrich our classrooms and teach us empathy and tenacity. Maybe it's the way principal Gary Dalton is such a presence on campus, inspiring students to do their best and empowering teachers and parents to do theirs. Maybe, as a formerly reticent child, it's the focus on buddies and student teams that strictly enforce a "no bullies" policy. Or maybe it's the fact that our teachers are so gifted that they can seamlessly support the students who struggle the most while challenging those who excel.
Today, four years after my daughter entered Kindergarten, Briones has spruced itself up considerably, thanks to B4E. A beautiful new library, refurbished classrooms, and, yes, a new paint job have gone a long way toward beautifying the campus. A parent-teacher committee is going even further, creating gardens and re-establishing the "life-lab" program in several campus locations.
But I know now that the essence of the school is something beyond the campus itself, the teachers, the students, the staff, parents, curriculum. It's not something you can identify immediately during a campus tour, nor can you read it in a SARC report. You have to let it reveal itself to you and then, like me, you will be hooked. And you'll find yourself volunteering to type, paint signs, make copies, and bake pies, and you'll dedicate a month of weekends toward planning a fundraiser or promoting the Juana Run (, a fantastic family event that supports the Juana Briones and Barron Park PTAs. See what I mean?
Last year, a boy I know entered Kindergarten at Briones and I could see in his mother's face the same trepidation I'd had in 1999. The school was in the thick of construction and the grounds were a mess. Though Briones was only a few blocks from the boy's home, the family had tried, unsuccessfully, to get him into Hoover. Now you can see in the mother's face how glad she is that they didn't make the list.
Perhaps at some point families will petition to send their kids across town to attend our school, so they can experience educational excellence in a learning environment that's uniquely Briones.
For now, it remains our little secret.
Learn more:
By Don Anderson email
This is the second in a series of articles introducing the community volunteers devoted to the care, feeding, and parental nurturing of the Barron Park donkeys, Miner Forty-Niner ('Niner) and Pericles (Perry). Niner and Perry are the most recent in a long line of donkeys that have become a neighborhood institution in Barron Park over the years.
Our neighborhood's trademark donkeys are cared for entirely by volunteers from Barron Park and the surrounding community. In addition to feeding the boys twice a day, keeping their corral and shed clean and orderly, taking them for occasional walks, and bringing them out to meet the neighbors in Bol Park every Sunday morning, these volunteers also pick up and deliver loads of hay, make sure the donkeys receive regular attention from the vet and the farrier (horse shoe-er), and keep them clean and well curried. Read on, to meet more of the terrific crew that cares for the Barron Park donkeys!
Barry Brewer and John Dompe
Barry Brewer & John Dompe moved to Barron Park in 2000. Prior to that
year, they lived in Los Altos Hills for many years. They can always
be seen feeding the donkeys Monday afternoons along with their three
dogs, Tillie, Millie, and Mollie. The donkeys and the dogs get along
very well. Barry and John have been donkey handlers for about three
years. They are both animal lovers and really enjoy Perry and Niner's
affectionate reaction each week at feeding time. John and Barry
usually feed the donkeys together, and/or cover for each other when
one or the other is out of town.
Barry keeps busy running his insurance agency in Cupertino. John is retired and spends his time gardening, playing tennis, and caring for his mom & dad who live in Sunnyvale. John is a UCLA grad and worked for Loral in Palo Alto for 34 years. Barry attended SJSU and has been with his firm for 27 years. Barry's son Matt is a freshman at Gunn and his daughter Katie is a senior at the Middle College program at Foothill.
Ellen Whitmore
Ellen Whitmore has lived in Barron Park since the donkeys had the run
of the "pasture," now known as Bol Park. That's a long time! Niner
and Perry share top priority in Ellen's life with her one-year-old
granddaughter, Maggie, who requires lots of visiting in Washington
State. Not really; the donkeys actually have to take a back seat to
Prior to becoming a semi-professional donkey handler, Ellen was an ESL teacher in the PAUSD adult school for 17 years. She and her husband, Dick, raised two children, Christopher and Sarah, in Barron Park. Both Christopher and Sarah now live in Seattle. Ellen and Dick have had lots of dogs and cats over the years, so Ellen has spent a fair amount of time walking her pets at Gunn and along the bike path. Since her own animal family has dwindled in recent years, Ellen has become the "neighborhood dog walker," taking over temporarily for neighbors who are away on business, who are ill, or who are otherwise unable to get out and exercise their pets. So, caring for and walking Niner and Perry is just a natural extension of Ellen's life in Barron Park! When she's not caring for her animals or someone else's, or visiting granddaughter Maggie, Ellen is an avid home gardener.
Inge Harding-Barlow
Inge Harding-Barlow is the youngest of five children of a judge/law
professor and a suffragette mathematics teacher. She grew up in South
Africa, and obtained her advanced degrees, including a PhD in
toxicology, from Capetown University. Inge chalked up several firsts
for women in the 1950s, and was awarded one of the then only nine
international post-doctoral AAUW fellowships in 1961, to study at Oak
Ridge, Tennessee and at M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital, Houston,
Texas. By profession Inge is an internationally known toxicologist
specializing in trace elements. Related professional activities have
included helping to analyze the first "moon rocks," and advancing the
performance of laser analyzers.
Inge is the consummate community activist. She served on the Baron Park Association Board from 1986 to 1999, has been in the vanguard of the fight to promote clean groundwater and to save the creeks in the neighborhood, has successfully advocated for planting of native vegetation along the bike path, and has made major contributions to efforts to improve neighborhood safety and emergency preparedness.
After the death of Josina Bol in 1996, Inge joined Edith and Leland Smith as the first Barron Park donkey handlers, to take care of Mickey (the donkey), who was then an old man approaching 30 years old. Because Mickey was in declining health, Inge's duties in those days included binding up his leg, giving him injections often twice day, and feeding him hot bran mash morning and evening. Inge recalls: "We thought the only way to keep Mickey going was to get him a companion." Luckily, Inge and the Smiths heard about a donkey called Pericles (Perry for short), who was at the time companion to a stable of thoroughbred racehorses, but who needed a new home. A deal was struck, and Perry and Mickey eventually had eighteen months together. Then Miner 49er joined the gang, just three weeks before Mickey departed for "donkey heaven."
Inge coordinated the donkey handlers for several years; this responsibility was passed along to Don Anderson a few years ago. Inge recently organized the Barron Park donkey handlers to sponsor mistreated donkeys in the Holy Land, under the auspices of a foundation called Safe-Haven-4-Donkeys. In the name of Perry and Niner, sanctuary is being supported for an elderly donkey named Lily. Anyone wishing to contribute can contact Inge by email or by telephone. Inge now feeds Perry and Miner 49er on Thursday afternoons, walks them one Sunday a month and takes part in most of the "special" donkey events.
by Mary Jane Leon, Committee Chair
Cheap Eats
A fact of life as we put on a few years is that our appetites get
smaller. There are both a good side and a bad side to that reality.
The bad is that most restaurant meals have all together too much
food, and many of us are too shy to tell the waiter that we want just
a salad or a bowl of soup or even just the main course without
appetizer or other extras. So we waste a lot of food, or we carry
home the well-known "people" bag.
On the other hand, small appetites mean that we can eat well on the cheap. Here are a few of my favorite penny-pinching meals from our local Barron Park eateries.
My personal favorite, and also least pricey, is a Jumbo Jack from Jack in the Box. It is just $1.39, plus a few cents tax. The secret is to avoid all that expensive, tempting stuff that goes with it. No fries, no flavored sugar water, no milkshake or cookies just the hamburger, please. It has liberal lettuce and tomato along with the well-done hamburger, so if you get a piece of fruit at home for dessert, you have yourself a well-rounded meal. And it's filling. Now where else can you get a meal for under a buck fifty?
Another favorite, if you have someone to share with, is a lunch from Su Hong carry out. Order one of the Luncheon Special Combination Plates from the back of the carry-out menu and split it with a partner or friend. The Combination Plates come with soup, spring roll, fried rice, and chow mein. My husband takes the soup and I take the spring roll, but each could also be split. Believe me, we are both full on just half of one of those lunches. They vary in price from $5.95 to $6.95, so in effect you get two meals for between $3.00 and $3.50 apiece, plus tax.
How about Taco Bell's new Chicken Bowl ($3.00) or Beef Bowl ($3.50)? A layer of beans, then rice in the bottom, topped with a sizeable salad and the beef or chicken. Served in a bowl, not a fried tortilla, so you avoid a lot of fat that you probably didn't want in the first place. More than enough food for a meal.
Then there is a Senor Taco grande burrito, cut in half and shared with a friend or half saved for another meal. Who says you can't eat well at a fast-food restaurant? Do you have any favorite "cheap eats?" Please share your ideas with us.
Group Lunch Time
Barron Park Seniors are going to have (or have had) our holiday lunch
at Cibo (formerly Al Fresco, next to Driftwood Deli) before this
newsletter hits your mailbox. The turnout promises to be large
37 reservations so far. We will give you a report in the next
Our October lunch was a Hunan Gardens one of our best, and
Simon gave us a great price for a wonderful meal. Should you be
dining at Hunan Gardens any time soon, mention what a good meal they
prepared for the Barron Park Seniors.
If you want to join the group for lunch in February, just let us know. There is always room for a few more.
Services Offered
We continue to offer volunteer services to Barron Park neighbors. We
can run an errand for you or with you, do small odd jobs at your
home, help you learn to use e-mail, stop by for a visit, or give you
a daily phone call. We also enjoy finding information that you might
need about any specific service available to local seniors.
You can reach Mary Jane Leon by email.
3450 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94306 (near Creekside Inn)
(650) 493-4162
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