Bol Park Revegetation Project: Planned Plantings

Bol Park is located in the Barron Park neighborhood of Palo Alto, California. This revegetation project is being conducted by the Barron Park (Neighborhood) Association, in cooperation with the City of Palo Alto and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Caveat: this page does not reflect acquisitions made since early 1997.
Description of below native plants: including mature height and width, blooming time and color, and wildlife supported.

PLANTINGS of Bol Park Revegetation Project


Plants alphabetized on official (latinate) name within sections.

A. Plant and seed donations sought

Note: Being expanded (17 May 1997)

B1. Planted Spring 1997

If size is not given, probably one-gallon pot. If quantity is not given, probably there is only one.

B2. Plants already aquired for planting in Fall 1997

C. Plants being raised from cuttings/...

Residents have they have the below plants in their own yards and will be propagating them for use on this project. (Some of these people have acquired these plants with the specific intent of propagating them for this project).
Propagation: cuttings, seeds, root division, offset bulbs, ...

D. Plants being raised from seeds

These plants are being raised by volunteers. The annuals will be planted this spring, but most of the shrubs, perennials and bulbs will be planted in the fall (they will be larger and it is a better time to plant).

E. Seeds to sow

Some will be sown now, some in the fall.

F. Already planted by the Water District's flood control project sub-contractor

G. Potential American Indian "Teaching Garden" Plants

Version Info: $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2002/12/11 08:06:25 $