In October, the BPA Emergency Preparedness Core Committee, consisting of Jack Paddock, acting Chair, Katie Edwards, Inge Harding-Barlow, and Art Bayce, were invited by Fire Chief Ruben Grijalva to a meeting of various neighborhood groups in Palo Alto to work on a Neighborhood Disaster Plan. We submitted our Goals and Objectives, as published in the 1994 winter newsletter, modified to apply to all of Palo Alto. (See Goals and Objectives below this article). It was accepted to serve as a basis for a more comprehensive plan. It was decided that a Steering Committee, to consist of two members from each interested community group, would be formed to work on the plan. Your BPA representatives are Katie Edwards and Art Bayce. The Steering Committee will meet every two weeks until a final plan is developed.
Chief Grijalva discussed the Emergency Management Plan for Palo Alto which is being updated. The Public Awareness and Education section of this plan is where the community's ideas may be incorporated.
The Steering Committee is working on two major areas.
GOAL: To provide residents information and guidance for emergency situations.
Contact a relative or friend who lives out of the area to be your central communication point. If members of your family are separated after an earthquake and local telephone lines are down or overloaded, it is sometimes possible to call and leave messages with your outside contact. Then you can eventually establish contact with the rest of your family, if each members calls in!
If you have a cellular phone, and can help during an emergency, please tell us on the membership application form (email and we'll fax you a form, or join on-line -- see bottom of page). You don't need to become a Barron Park Association member in order to volunteer your help!! Thanks!
What can you as a resident do to help yourself and your neighbors in Barron Park? Here are some suggestions:
If you wish to become a Barron Park Association Member, email the editor at and I'll fax you a form or,