BPA Mailing Lists: SPAM and how to handle


What is SPAM?

SPAM is the common name for Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE).

Some Measures to prevent SPAMmers from getting your email address

Why can't all SPAM be blocked?

A number of measures have been implemented here to block SPAM. However, the people who send SPAM are constantly developing techniques to counter the techniques that have been developed to block SPAM. Thus, some times the SPAMmers win.

However, some anti-SPAM measures have been enabled because they are counterproductive relative to these lists: they block more legitimate messages than SPAM. At various times, some routine anti-SPAM measures would have cut off the ability of some members of the list to submit messages to the list because of problems at their Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Past examples:

An alternative would be to restrict submissions to the list to members of the list. However, this has problems: Thus, I am disinclined to activate this restriction.

What to do when you receive SPAM?

When you receive SPAM from one of the e-mail lists here:

My message to this list got rejected

If your message to the list gets returned to you with an error message stating that it was identified as potential SPAM, forward the rejection message to me. Failing this, telephone. Contact info at www.bpaonline1.org/411/bpa-list-manager.html.

Note: I need the details in the bounce message so that I can install an exception that allows you to post to the list without creating an unnecessarily large opening.

Specific problems:

Blacklists / Blackholes

Other Resources

Overviews of Various Common SPAM messages
